PRATLEYS was built by Daniel Pratley in order to provide a pet sitting service that is often not seen - a service that caters for all pets, in their homes. After many years of working for a varied and respected zoo, and as an instructor within animal education, Daniel felt it was time to take the leap into creating something of his own. We understand the nuances of animal behaviour, the importance of routine, and the love people have for their companions. We are experienced, qualified and fully insured; there is rarely an animal that we won’t take on the duties of caring for.

Everything we do is in service of not only your peace of mind, but also that of your companion(s). We are keenly aware that your pets have a routine that is precious to them, and so PRATLEYS ensures they can keep that familiar feeling, even when you aren’t the one providing it for them. Our minder will work to build a solid understanding of each individual animal; their personality and quirks, their most beloved toys, their favourite quiet spot; everything. It all comes together to form the very best care for your pet(s), so the only thing you need to do when you return is enjoy reuniting with them.

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